/* ========== Axios ========== */
* @typedef {import('axios').AxiosInstance} AxiosInstance
* @typedef {import('axios').AxiosError} AxiosError
/* ========== V2_Contact ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_ContactLink
* @property {number} contact_id - Alphanumeric ID associated with the contact this link is towards.
* @property {string} relationship_type - The type of relationship (e.g., "Adult", "Child").
* @property {string} title - The title of the contact link.
* @property {string|null} metadata - Optional arbitrary metadata attached to the object.
* @property {string} created_at - Creation date and time of the contact link.
* @property {string} updated_at - Last update date and time of the contact link.
* @property {string} display_name - Humanized version of the type field, suitable for display.
* @property {string} type - [!] TBA
* @property {string} contact_id - Alphanumeric (V2) ID associated with the contact this link is towards.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_ContactGroup
* @property {number} id - Alphanumeric ID associated with the group.
* @property {string} label - Label of the group.
* @property {string} group_id_reference - Reference to the group ID in V1 API.
* @property {string} description - Description of the group.
* @property {string} created_at - Creation date and time of the group.
* @property {string} updated_at - Last update date and time of the group.
* @property {number} size - Number of contacts within the group.
* @property {string} image - URL to the image that represents the group.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_ContactOrganization
* @property {string} id - Unique identifier for the organization.
* @property {string} name - Name of the organization.
* @property {string} domain_prefix - Domain prefix of the organization.
* @property {string[]} permissions Permissions user has for the organization.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_Contact
* @property {string} id - The unique alphanumeric identifier for the contact.
* @property {number} contact_id_reference - Reference to the contact ID in V1 API.
* @property {string} first_name - First name of the contact.
* @property {string} last_name - Last name of the contact.
* @property {string} nick_name - Nickname of the contact.
* @property {string} company - Company name associated with the contact.
* @property {string} email_address - Email address of the contact.
* @property {string} phone_number - Phone number of the contact.
* @property {string} address1 - Street address of the contact.
* @property {string} city - City of the contact.
* @property {string|null} state - State of the contact.
* @property {string} country - Country of the contact.
* @property {string} postcode - Postcode of the contact.
* @property {string} gender - Gender of the contact.
* @property {string|null} birthday - Birthday of the contact.
* @property {string} facebook - Facebook profile URL of the contact.
* @property {string} twitter - Twitter handle of the contact.
* @property {string} linkedin - LinkedIn profile URL of the contact.
* @property {string} instagram - Instagram handle of the contact.
* @property {string|null} website - Website URL of the contact.
* @property {string|null} details - Additional details about the contact.
* @property {boolean} subscribed - Subscription status of the contact.
* @property {string|null} metadata - Metadata associated with the contact.
* @property {string} created_at - Creation date and time of the contact record.
* @property {string} updated_at - Last update date and time of the contact record.
* @property {string} initials - Initials of the contact.
* @property {string|null} emergency_contact_person - Emergency contact person for the contact.
* @property {string|null} emergency_contact_number - Emergency contact number for the contact.
* @property {string} member_since - Date since the contact is a member.
* @property {boolean} is_company - Flag indicating if the contact is a company.
* @property {string} kind - Type of the contact (e.g., person).
* @property {string} display_name - Display name of the contact.
* @property {string} contact_id_number - Contact ID number.
* @property {string|null} profile_image - URL to the profile image of the contact.
* @property {string} status - Status of the contact (e.g., active).
* @property {Tidy_V2_ContactOrganization} organization - Organization associated with the contact.
* @property {Tidy_V2_ContactGroup[]} groups - Groups associated with the contact.
* @property {Tidy_V2_ContactLink[]} contact_links - Links associated with the contact.
* @property {Tidy_V2_Note[]} notes - Notes associated with the contact.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_ContactFilterEqualsOptions
* @property {string} [first_name] - Filter by the first name.
* @property {string} [last_name] - Filter by the last name.
* @property {string} [company] - Filter by the company name.
* @property {string} [email_address] - Filter by the email address.
* @property {string} [phone_number] - Filter by the phone number.
* @property {string} [kind] - Filter by the kind.
* @property {string} [contact_id_number] - Filter by the contact ID number.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_MatchableContact
* @property {string} [contact_id] - The unique identifier for the contact.
* @property {string} [email] - The email address of the contact.
* @property {string} [first_name] - The first name of the contact.
* @property {string} [last_name] - The last name of the contact.
/* ========== V2_Memberships ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_Membership
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the membership.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation date and time of the membership.
* @property {string} updated_at - The last update date and time of the membership.
* @property {string} state - The state of the membership.
* @property {string} status - Human-readable version of the state.
* @property {number} membership_id_reference - Reference to the membership ID in V1 API.
* @property {boolean} auto_renew_on - If the membership is set to auto-renew.
* @property {boolean} auto_renew - If the membership is set to auto-renew.
* @property {string} membership_level_id - The ID of the membership level.
* @property {string} contact_id - The ID of the contact associated with the membership.
* @property {string[]} adult_members_contact_ids - The IDs of the adult members associated with the membership.
* @property {string[]} child_members_contact_ids - The IDs of the child members associated with the membership.
* @property {string} start_date - The start date of the membership.
* @property {string} end_date - The end date of the membership.
* @property {Tidy_V2_Note[]} notes - The notes associated with the membership.
/* ========== V2_Subscriptions ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_Subscription
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the subscription.
* @property {string} state - The state of the subscription.
* @property {string} status - Human-readable version of the state.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation date and time of the subscription.
* @property {string} updated_at - The last update date and time of the subscription.
* @property {string} start_date - The start date of the subscription.
* @property {string} end_date - The end date of the subscription.
* @property {string} membership_id - The ID of the associated membership.
* @property {Tidy_V2_Variation[]} variations - The variations associated with the subscription.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_Variation
* @property {string} visibility - The visibility of the variation.
* @property {string} price - The price of the variation.
* @property {Tidy_V2_VariationAnswer} answer - The answer associated with the variation.
* @property {Tidy_V2_PricingVariationDestination} destination - The destination associated with the variation.
* @property {Tidy_V2_PricingVariationAutofillGroup} autofill_group - The autofill group associated with the variation.
* @property {Tidy_V2_VariationQuestion} question - The question associated with the variation.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_VariationAnswer
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the answer.
* @property {string} value - The value of the answer.
* @property {string} updated_at - The last update date and time of the answer.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_VariationQuestion
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the question.
* @property {string} name - The name of the question.
* @property {boolean} required - Whether the question is required.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation date and time of the question.
* @property {string} updated_at - The last update date and time of the question.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_PricingVariationDestination
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the destination.
* @property {string} type - The type of the destination.
* @property {string} title - Human-readable version of the type of destination.
* @property {string} name - The name of the destination.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_PricingVariationAutofillGroup
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the autofill group.
* @property {number} group_id_reference - The reference ID for the group.
* @property {string} name - The name of the autofill group.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_PostSubscriptionParams
* @property {Tidy_V2_MatchableContact} [member] - On an individual membership level, change who it belongs to.
* @property {Tidy_V2_MatchableContact[]} [adult] - For family memberships, changes the associated adults.
* @property {Tidy_V2_MatchableContact[]} [children] - For family memberships, changes the associated children.
* @property {Object.<string, string>} [variations] - A object mapping variation ids to variation value ids.
* @property {'paid' | 'invoice' | 'pay_now'} payment_type - Payment status of subscription, note that paid covers partially paid subscriptions.
* @property {Tidy_V1_PaymentType} payment_method - Required when payment_type is paid, How the paid amount was paid.
* @property {string} [partial_payment_amount] - When marked as paid, and it's already partially-paid, an amount that has already been paid.
* @property {string} [ref_no] - When marked as paid, allows overriding the transaction ref for the given paid transaction. If left blank, will be automatically generated.
* @property {string} [due_date] - When paying by invoice, when said invoice is due.
* @property {boolean} [send_welcome_mail=true] - Send a membership welcome email.
* @property {boolean} [send_invoice_mail] - When paying by invoice, should we send an email with invoice details.
* @property {boolean} [auto_assign_users=true] - When processing contacts on the membership, should we automatically assign (either find existing, or create a new) user for them in Tidy. If users are created, will automatically send an account sign up email as well. For users to be automatically created / assigned, they require all of a first name, last name and an email address.
* @property {boolean} [auto_renew] - Will set explicitly if the membership should auto renew, if possible. Defaults to use the value set on the membership level, but can overwrite if needed.
* @property {string} [start_date] - The start date of the membership.
* @property {string} [end_date] - The end date of the membership.
/* ========== V2_MembershipLevels ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_MembershipLevel
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the membership level.
* @property {number} membership_level_id_reference - Reference to the membership level ID in V1 API.
* @property {string} name - The name of the membership level.
* @property {string} description - The description of the membership level, may contain HTML.
* @property {number} duration - The duration of the membership level.
* @property {Tidy_V1_MembershipLevelUnitPeriod} unit_period - The unit of period for the duration.
* @property {string|null} active_since - The date since the membership level is active.
* @property {boolean} bundle - If the membership level is a bundle.
* @property {string} plan_type - The type of plan (e.g., rolling).
* @property {boolean} auto_renew - If the membership level is set to auto-renew.
* @property {boolean} allow_renewal - If the membership level allows renewal.
* @property {number|null} renewable_from_period - The period from which renewal is allowed.
* @property {number|null} renewable_for_period - The period for which renewal is allowed.
* @property {string|null} start_at - The start date of the membership level.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation date and time of the membership level.
* @property {string} updated_at - The last update date and time of the membership level.
* @property {"anyone"|"admin"|"linked"|"permitted"} visible - Visibility of the membership level.
* @property {number} amount - The price of the membership level.
* @property {boolean} deleted - If the membership level is deleted.
* @property {Tidy_V2_MembershipLevelBundleAmount[]} [bundle_amounts] - The amounts associated with the bundle.
// [!] check if same as V1 Bundle, although type could have more options
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_MembershipLevelBundleAmount
* @property {string} amount - The amount for the bundle.
* @property {boolean} subsequent - Flag indicating if the amount is for subsequent periods.
* @property {string} type - The type of member the amount applies to (e.g., adult, child).
/* ========== V2_Note ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_Note
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the note.
* @property {string} text - The content of the note.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation date and time of the note.
* @property {string} updated_at - The last update date and time of the note.
* @property {Object} author - The author of the note. [!]
/* ========== V2_Organization ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_Organization
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the organization.
* @property {string} name - The name of the organization.
* @property {string} domain_prefix - The domain prefix of the organization.
* @property {string} location - The location of the organization.
* @property {string} address - The street address of the organization.
* @property {string} city - The city of the organization.
* @property {string} state - The state of the organization.
* @property {string} postcode - The postcode of the organization.
* @property {string} country - The country of the organization.
* @property {string} phone - The phone number of the organization.
* @property {string} website - The website URL of the organization.
* @property {string} twitter - The Twitter handle of the organization.
* @property {string} facebook - The Facebook profile URL of the organization.
* @property {string} currency - The currency used by the organization.
* @property {string} time_zone - The time zone of the organization.
* @property {Tidy_V1_OrganizationPublicContact[]} public_contacts - The public contacts of the organization.
* @property {Object} logo_url - The URL to the logo of the organization.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation date and time of the organization.
* @property {string} updated_at - The last update date and time of the organization.
* @property {Object} plan - The plan of the organization.
* @property {string} plan.name - The name of the plan of the organization.
* @property {Tidy_V1_OrganizationPlanQuota} plan.quota - The quota of the plan for the organization.
* @property {Tidy_V1_OrganizationLink[]} parent_organizations - The parent organizations of the organization.
* @property {Tidy_V1_OrganizationLink[]} child_organizations - The child organizations of the organization.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_OrganizationRole
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the role.
* @property {string} name - The name of the role.
* @property {string} email_address - The email address to contact the members of this role.
* @property {string} responsibilities - The responsibilities of the role.
* @property {string[]} contact_ids - The contact IDs associated with the role.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation date and time of the role.
* @property {string} updated_at - The last update date and time of the role.
/* ========== V2_Webhooks ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_Webhook
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the webhook.
* @property {string} status - The status of the webhook. [!] TBA add all possible values
* @property {string} created_at - The creation date and time of the webhook.
* @property {string} updated_at - The last update date and time of the webhook.
* @property {string} matching_kind - The kind of events to match for the webhook.
* @property {string} url - The URL to which the webhook sends data.
* @property {string} description - A description of the webhook.
* @property {string} signing_key_b64 - The base64 encoded signing key for the webhook.
* @property {boolean} allow_state_changes - Whether the webhook allows state changes.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_WebhookMessage
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the webhook message.
* @property {string} kind - The kind of the event, e.g., "event.ticket.updated".
* @property {string} object - The type of object of the data, e.g., "event.ticket".
* @property {string} created - The creation date and time of the webhook message.
* @property {Object} data - The data of the webhook message.
/* ========== Categories ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Category
* @property {number} id - The unique identifier for the category.
* @property {string} name - The name of the category.
* @property {string} description - The description of the category.
* @property {Object.<string, number>} balance - The balance of the category in various currencies, with currency codes as keys and amounts as values. E.g., { "AUD": -20.0, "USD": 42.0 }.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation date and time of the category in ISO 8601 format.
/* ========== Contact ========== */
* @typedef {"female"|"male"|"non_binary"|"undisclosed"} Tidy_V1_ContactGender
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_ContactLink
* @property {number} contact_id - The contact ID of the linked contact.
* @property {string} relationship_type - The type of relationship (e.g., "Adult", "Child").
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_ContactGroup
* @property {number} id - Unique identifier for the group.
* @property {string} label - Label of the group.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_ContactOrganization
* @property {string} id - Unique identifier for the organization.
* @property {string} name - Name of the organization.
* @property {string} domain_prefix - Domain prefix of the organization.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Contact
* @property {number} id - Unique identifier for the contact.
* @property {string} first_name - First name of the contact.
* @property {string} last_name - Last name of the contact.
* @property {string} nick_name - Nickname of the contact.
* @property {string} company - Company name associated with the contact.
* @property {string} email_address - Email address of the contact.
* @property {string} phone_number - Phone number of the contact.
* @property {string} address1 - Street address of the contact.
* @property {string} city - City of the contact.
* @property {string|null} state - State of the contact.
* @property {string} country - Country of the contact.
* @property {string} postcode - Postcode of the contact.
* @property {Tidy_V1_ContactGender} gender - Gender of the contact.
* @property {string|null} birthday - Birthday of the contact.
* @property {string} facebook - Facebook profile URL of the contact.
* @property {string} twitter - Twitter handle of the contact.
* @property {string} linkedin - LinkedIn profile URL of the contact.
* @property {string} instagram - Instagram handle of the contact.
* @property {string|null} website - Website URL of the contact.
* @property {string|null} details - Additional details about the contact.
* @property {boolean} subscribed - Subscription status of the contact.
* @property {string|null} metadata - Metadata associated with the contact.
* @property {string} created_at - Creation date and time of the contact record.
* @property {string} updated_at - Last update date and time of the contact record.
* @property {string|null} emergency_contact_person - Emergency contact person for the contact.
* @property {string|null} emergency_contact_number - Emergency contact number for the contact.
* @property {string} member_since - Date since the contact is a member.
* @property {boolean} is_company - Flag indicating if the contact is a company.
* @property {string} kind - Type of the contact (e.g., person).
* @property {string} display_name - Display name of the contact.
* @property {number} contact_id - Secondary identifier for the contact.
* @property {string} contact_id_number - Contact ID number.
* @property {string|null} profile_image - URL to the profile image of the contact.
* @property {string} status - Status of the contact (e.g., active).
* @property {Tidy_V1_CustomField[]} custom_fields - Custom fields associated with the contact.
* @property {Tidy_V1_ContactOrganization} organization - Organization associated with the contact.
* @property {Tidy_V1_ContactGroup[]} groups - Groups associated with the contact.
* @property {Tidy_V1_ContactLink[]} contact_links - Links associated with the contact.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_ContactCustomFields
* @description A struct of custom field IDs as keys and their values. For dropdown fields, use the dropdown field choice ID as the value.
* @example
* {
* "5b8ff85455e9": true, // Boolean field example
* "91288961b8d7": "2012-01-01", // Date field example
* "280ada4c1dea": "2fbd15a7ff31" // Dropdown field id as a key, dropdown field choice id as a value. Use blank value to empty the field
* }
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_ContactParams
* @property {string} [first_name] - First name of the contact. Required only on creation.
* @property {string} [last_name] - Last name of the contact.
* @property {string} [email_address] - Email address of the contact.
* @property {string} [phone_number] - Phone number of the contact.
* @property {string} [address1] - Street address of the contact.
* @property {string} [city] - City of the contact.
* @property {string} [state] - State of the contact.
* @property {string} [country] - Country of the contact.
* @property {string} [postcode] - Postcode of the contact.
* @property {Tidy_V1_ContactGender} [gender] - Gender of the contact.
* @property {string} [birthday] - Birthday of the contact in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {string} [facebook] - Facebook account name of the contact.
* @property {string} [twitter] - Twitter account name of the contact.
* @property {string} [details] - A brief description of the contact.
* @property {Tidy_V1_ContactCustomFields} [custom_fields] - A struct of custom field IDs as keys and values.
/* ========== Custom Field ========== */
* @typedef {"string"|"text"|"dropdown"|"boolean"|"date"} Tidy_V1_CustomFieldType
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_CustomField
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the custom field.
* @property {string} title - The title of the custom field.
* @property {Tidy_V1_CustomFieldType} type - The type of the custom field.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation date and time of the custom field.
* @property {Tidy_V1_CustomFieldChoice[]} [choices] - Optional. The choices for the custom field, applicable if the type is "dropdown".
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_CustomFieldChoice
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the custom field choice.
* @property {string} title - The title of the custom field choice.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation date and time of the custom field choice.
/* ========== Finance ========== */
* @typedef {"cash"|"card"|"cheque"|"bank"|"other"} Tidy_V1_PaymentType
* @typedef {"paid"|"cancelled"} Tidy_V1_PaymentStatus
* @typedef {"activated"|"cancelled"} Tidy_V1_FinanceStatus
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Payment
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the payment.
* @property {number} amount - The amount of the payment.
* @property {Tidy_V1_PaymentType} type - The type of the payment.
* @property {string} paid_at - The timestamp when the payment was made.
* @property {Tidy_V1_PaymentStatus} status - The status of the payment.
/* ========== Deposit ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Deposit
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the deposit.
* @property {string} ref_no - The reference number of the deposit.
* @property {number} contact_id - The ID of the contact associated with the deposit.
* @property {"deposit"} type - The type of the transaction.
* @property {string} name - The name of the deposit.
* @property {string|null} description - The description of the deposit.
* @property {number} category_id - The category ID of the deposit.
* @property {string} currency - The currency of the deposit amount.
* @property {number} amount - The amount of the deposit.
* @property {string|null} metadata - Additional metadata associated with the deposit.
* @property {Tidy_V1_FinanceStatus} status - The status of the deposit.
* @property {Tidy_V1_Payment[]} payments - The payments associated with the deposit.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_DepositParams
* @property {string} name - The name of the deposit.
* @property {number} amount - The amount of the deposit as a decimal.
* @property {string} paid_date - The date that the deposit was paid in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {number} category_id - The category of the deposit.
* @property {number} contact_id - The source of the deposit.
* @param {string} [description] - The description of the deposit.
* @param {string} [metadata] - The metadata of the deposit.
/* ========== Expense ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Expense
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the expense.
* @property {string} ref_no - The reference number of the expense.
* @property {number} contact_id - The ID of the contact associated with the expense.
* @property {"expense"} type - The type of the transaction.
* @property {string} name - The name of the expense.
* @property {string|null} description - The description of the expense.
* @property {string} due_date - The due date of the expense.
* @property {number} category_id - The category ID of the expense.
* @property {number} amount - The total amount of the expense.
* @property {number} amount_paid - The amount that has been paid towards the expense.
* @property {number} amount_due - The amount that is still due.
* @property {boolean} paid - Whether the expense has been fully paid or not.
* @property {string|null} metadata - Additional metadata associated with the expense.
* @property {Tidy_V1_FinanceStatus} status - The status of the expense.
* @property {Tidy_V1_Payment[]} payments - The payments associated with the expense.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_ExpenseParams
* @property {string} name - The name of the expense.
* @property {number} amount - The amount of the expense.
* @property {string} due_date - The due date of the expense in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {string} category_id - The category of the expense.
* @property {string} contact_id - The source of the expense.
* @property {string} [description] - The description of the expense.
* @property {string} [metadata] - The metadata of the expense.
/* ========== Invoice ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Invoice
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the invoice.
* @property {string} ref_no - The reference number of the invoice.
* @property {number} contact_id - The ID of the contact associated with the invoice.
* @property {"invoice"} type - The type of the transaction.
* @property {string} name - The name of the invoice.
* @property {string|null} description - The description of the invoice.
* @property {string} due_date - The due date of the invoice.
* @property {number} category_id - The category ID of the invoice.
* @property {number} amount - The total amount of the invoice.
* @property {number} amount_paid - The amount that has been paid towards the invoice.
* @property {number} amount_due - The amount that is still due.
* @property {boolean} paid - Whether the invoice has been fully paid or not.
* @property {string|null} metadata - Additional metadata associated with the invoice.
* @property {Tidy_V1_FinanceStatus} status - The status of the invoice.
* @property {Tidy_V1_Payment[]} payments - The payments associated with the invoice.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_InvoiceParams
* @property {string} reference - The reference of the invoice. e.g. 'Invoice #1234'
* @property {number} amount - The amount of the invoice expressed as a decimal.
* @property {number} included_tax_total - The total amount of tax expressed as a decimal.
* @property {number} pre_tax_amount - The total amount before tax expressed as a decimal.
* @property {string} due_date - The due date of the invoice in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {number} category_id - The ID of the category to assign the invoice to.
* @property {number} contact_id - The ID of the contact to assign the invoice to.
* @property {string} [description] - The description of the invoice.
* @property {string} [metadata] - The metadata of the invoice.
/* ========== Transaction ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_TransactionItem
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the item.
* @property {string} quantity - The quantity of the item.
* @property {"deposit"|"expense"|"invoice"} type - The type of transaction.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Transaction
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the transaction.
* @property {number} category_id - The ID of the category associated with the transaction.
* @property {string} category_name - The name of the category associated with the transaction.
* @property {string} currency - The currency code for the transaction amount.
* @property {string} paid_at - The timestamp when the transaction was paid, in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {number} contact_id - The ID of the contact associated with the transaction.
* @property {string} contact_name - The display name of the contact associated with the transaction.
* @property {Tidy_V1_PaymentType} payment_type - The type of payment used for the transaction.
* @property {boolean} surcharge - Indicates whether a surcharge was applied to the transaction.
* @property {number} amount - The total amount of the transaction.
* @property {number} fee - The fee associated with the transaction, if any.
* @property {Tidy_V1_PaymentStatus} status - The status of the transaction.
* @property {Tidy_V1_TransactionItem[]} items - An array of items associated with the transaction.
/* ========== Email ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Email
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the email.
* @property {number} sender_id - The ID of the sender.
* @property {number[]} recipient_ids - An array of IDs for the recipients.
* @property {"inbound"|"outbound"} way - The direction of the email (inbound or outbound).
* @property {"email"|"group_email"} type - The type of the email.
* @property {string} subject - The subject of the email.
* @property {string} body - The body text of the email.
* @property {string|null} scheduled_at - The scheduled send time of the email, if any.
* @property {boolean} read - Whether the email has been read.
* @property {boolean} archived - Whether the email has been archived.
* @property {boolean} deleted - Whether the email has been deleted.
* @property {boolean} junk - Whether the email has been marked as junk.
* @property {Object[]} attachments - An array of attachments associated with the email.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the email.
/* ========== Events ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Event
* @property {number} id - The unique identifier for the event.
* @property {string} name - The name of the event.
* @property {string|null} location - The location of the event.
* @property {string} start_at - The start time of the event.
* @property {string} end_at - The end time of the event.
* @property {string} body - The body text of the event, which may contain HTML.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the event.
* @property {number} category_id - The ID of the category this event belongs to.
* @property {boolean} public - Whether the event is public.
* @property {string} image_url - The URL of the event's image.
* @property {string} public_url - The public URL of the event.
* @property {boolean} archived - Whether the event has been archived.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_EventParams
* @property {string} [name] - The name of the event. Required only on creation.
* @property {string} [start_at] - The start date of the event in ISO 8601 format. Required only on creation.
* @property {string} [end_at] - The end date of the event in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {string} [body] - The description of the event.
* @property {string} [location] - The location of the event. [!] There's an error in TidyHQ documentation/API regarding this field.
* @property {boolean} [archived] - Whether the event is archived or not (accessible via public events page).
* @property {boolean} [hidden] - Whether the event is hidden or not (showing on public events). When hidden and buying a ticket, certificates and receipts are not sent.
* @property {number} [category_id] - The ID of the category to assign the event to (defaults to tickets category).
/* ========== Group ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Group
* @property {number} id - The unique identifier for the group.
* @property {string} label - The label or name of the group.
* @property {string|null} description - The description of the group.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the group.
* @property {number} contacts_count - The number of contacts associated with the group.
* @property {string} logo_image - The URL path to the group's logo image.
/* ========== Meeting ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Meeting
* @property {number} id - The unique identifier for the meeting.
* @property {string} name - The name of the meeting.
* @property {string} description - The HTML description of the meeting.
* @property {string} date_at - The date and time of the meeting in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {string|null} location_full_address - The full address of the meeting location.
* @property {Tidy_V1_MeetingTopic[]} topics - An array of topics discussed in the meeting.
* @property {boolean} public - Whether the meeting is public.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the meeting in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {Tidy_V1_MeetingScheduleTopic[]} schedule_meeting_topics - An array of scheduled meeting topics.
* @property {number[]} attendees - An array of IDs representing the attendees of the meeting.
* @property {number[]} apologies - An array of IDs representing the people who apologized for not attending the meeting.
* @property {number[]} maybe - An array of IDs representing the people who might attend the meeting.
* @property {number[]} minute_takers - An array of IDs representing the minute takers of the meeting.
* @property {number[]} chairpersons - An array of IDs representing the chairpersons of the meeting.
* @property {string} public_url - The public URL to access the meeting.
* @typedef {"idea"|"info"|"todo"} Tidy_V1_MeetingTopicCategory
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_MeetingTopic
* @property {number} id - The unique identifier for the topic.
* @property {string} name - The name of the topic.
* @property {Tidy_V1_MeetingTopicCategory} category - The category of the topic.
* @property {number} schedule_meeting_id - The ID of the scheduled meeting this topic is associated with.
* @property {number} position - The position of the topic in the meeting.
* @property {number|null} duration - The duration of the topic in minutes.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the topic.
* @property {string} updated_at - The update timestamp of the topic.
* @property {string} description - The HTML description of the topic.
* @property {string|null} decision - The decision made regarding the topic.
* @property {number|null} parent_id - The ID of the parent topic.
* @property {string} code - A unique hex code identifying the topic.
* @property {string|null} deleted_at - The deletion timestamp of the topic.
* @property {number|null} member_id - The ID of the member associated with the topic.
* @property {number} revision - The revision number of the topic.
* @property {number} last_edited_by_id - The ID of the last member who edited the topic.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_MeetingScheduleTopic
* @property {number|null} member_id - The ID of the member associated with the scheduled meeting topic.
* @property {Tidy_V1_MeetingTopicCategory} category - The category of the scheduled meeting topic.
* @property {string} name - The name of the scheduled meeting topic.
* @property {string} description - The HTML description of the scheduled meeting topic.
* @property {string|null} decision - The decision made regarding the scheduled meeting topic.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the scheduled meeting topic.
* @property {Tidy_V1_Task|null} task - The task associated with the scheduled meeting topic.
/* ========== Membership Level ========== */
* @typedef {"day"|"week"|"month"|"year"} Tidy_V1_MembershipLevelUnitPeriod
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_MembershipLevel
* @property {number} id - The unique identifier for the membership level.
* @property {string} name - The name of the membership level.
* @property {string} description - The description of the membership level.
* @property {number} duration - The duration of the membership level.
* @property {Tidy_V1_MembershipLevelUnitPeriod} unit_period - The unit of period for the duration.
* @property {boolean} fixed - Whether the membership level has a fixed start date.
* @property {string|null} start_at - The start date of the membership level, if fixed.
* @property {boolean} enabled - Whether the membership level is enabled.
* @property {string|null} active_since - The date since the membership level has been active.
* @property {string} amount - The amount associated with the membership level.
* @property {boolean} bundle - Whether the membership level is part of a bundle.
* @property {Tidy_V1_BundleAmount[]|null} bundle_amounts - The bundle amounts, applicable if the membership level is part of a bundle.
* @property {boolean} deleted - Whether the membership level is marked as deleted.
* @property {string} plan_type - The type of plan (e.g., "rolling").
* @property {boolean} auto_renew - Whether the membership level auto-renews.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the membership level.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_BundleAmount
* @property {string} amount - The amount for the bundle.
* @property {boolean} subsequent - Whether this amount applies to subsequent members.
* @property {string} type - The type of member this amount applies to (e.g., "adult", "child").
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_PricingVariation
* @property {Tidy_V1_PricingVariationState[]} State - An array of state-specific pricing variations.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_PricingVariationState
* @property {string} name - The name of the state or group for this pricing variation.
* @property {string} amount - The amount associated with this state or group.
* @property {Tidy_V1_PricingVariationDestination} destination - The destination organization details for this pricing variation.
* @property {Tidy_V1_PricingVariationAutofillGroup} autofill_group - The autofill group details associated with this pricing variation.
* @property {Tidy_V1_PricingVariationClub[]} Club - An array of club-specific pricing variations within the state.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_PricingVariationClub
* @property {string} name - The name of the club for this pricing variation.
* @property {string} amount - The amount associated with this club.
* @property {Tidy_V1_PricingVariationDestination} destination - The destination organization details for this club's pricing variation.
* @property {Tidy_V1_PricingVariationAutofillGroup} autofill_group - The autofill group details associated with this club's pricing variation.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_PricingVariationDestination
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the destination.
* @property {string} type - The type of the destination (e.g., "Organisation").
* @property {string} name - The name of the destination.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_PricingVariationAutofillGroup
* @property {number} id - The unique identifier for the autofill group.
* @property {string} name - The name of the autofill group.
/* ========== Membership ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Membership
* @property {number} id - The unique identifier for the membership.
* @property {string} start_date - The start date of the membership in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {string} end_date - The end date of the membership in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {number} contact_id - The unique identifier for the contact associated with the membership.
* @property {number} membership_level_id - The unique identifier for the membership level.
* @property {string} state - The state of the membership (e.g., "activated").
* @property {number} membership_id_reference - A reference ID for the membership.
* @property {string} membership_id - A unique string identifier for the membership.
* @property {Tidy_V1_MembershipLevelSummary} membership_level - The membership level details.
* @property {Tidy_V1_Subscription[]} subscriptions - An array of subscriptions associated with the membership.
* @property {Tidy_V1_MembershipMember[]} adult_members - An array of adult members associated with the membership.
* @property {Tidy_V1_MembershipMember[]} child_members - An array of child members associated with the membership.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the membership in ISO 8601 format.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_MembershipMember
* @property {number} contact_id - The unique identifier for the contact.
* @property {string} member_since - The date since the contact has been a member in ISO 8601 format.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_MembershipLevelSummary
* @property {number} id - The unique identifier for the membership level.
* @property {string} name - The name of the membership level.
* @property {string} plan_type - The type of plan (e.g., "rolling").
* @property {boolean} auto_renew - Whether the membership level auto-renews.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Subscription
* @property {number} id - The unique identifier for the subscription.
* @property {string} start_date - The start date of the subscription.
* @property {string} end_date - The end date of the subscription.
* @property {string} status - The status of the subscription (e.g., "Active", "Expired"). [!] Add all possible values.
* @property {Tidy_V1_Variation[]} variations - An array of variations associated with the subscription.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Variation
* @property {string} question - The question related to the variation.
* @property {string} answer - The answer to the question.
* @property {string} price - The price associated with the variation.
* @property {Tidy_V1_PricingVariationDestination} destination - The destination details for the variation.
* @property {Tidy_V1_PricingVariationAutofillGroup} autofill_group - The autofill group details for the variation.
/* ========== Organization ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_OrganizationPublicContact
* @property {string} name - The name of the contact.
* @property {string} position - The position of the contact.
* @property {string} email - The email address of the contact.
* @property {string} phone_number - The phone number of the contact.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_OrganizationPlanQuota
* @property {Object} emails - The email quota.
* @property {Object} emails.limit - The email limit.
* @property {Object} emails.sent - The number of emails sent.
* @property {Object} emails.count - The number of emails sent.
* @property {Object} contacts - The contacts quota.
* @property {Object} contacts.limit - The contacts limit.
* @property {Object} contacts.count - The number of contacts.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_OrganizationLink
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the organization.
* @property {string} name - The name of the organization.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Organization
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the organization.
* @property {string} name - The name of the organization.
* @property {string} domain_prefix - The domain prefix of the organization.
* @property {string} location - The location of the organization.
* @property {string} address - The street address of the organization.
* @property {string} city - The city of the organization.
* @property {string} state - The state of the organization.
* @property {string} postcode - The postcode of the organization.
* @property {string} country - The country of the organization.
* @property {string} phone - The phone number of the organization.
* @property {string} website - The website URL of the organization.
* @property {string} twitter - The Twitter handle of the organization.
* @property {string} facebook - The Facebook profile URL of the organization.
* @property {string} currency - The currency used by the organization.
* @property {string} time_zone - The time zone of the organization.
* @property {Tidy_V1_OrganizationPublicContact[]} public_contacts - The public contacts of the organization.
* @property {Object} logo_url - The URL to the logo of the organization.
* @property {Object} plan - The plan of the organization.
* @property {string} plan.name - The name of the plan of the organization.
* @property {Tidy_V1_OrganizationPlanQuota} plan.quota - The quota of the plan for the organization.
* @property {Tidy_V1_OrganizationLink[]} parent_organizations - The parent organizations of the organization.
* @property {Tidy_V1_OrganizationLink[]} child_organizations - The child organizations of the organization.
/* ========== Task ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Task
* @property {number} id - The unique identifier for the task.
* @property {string} title - The title of the task.
* @property {string|null} description - The description of the task.
* @property {string} due_date - The due date of the task in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the task.
* @property {Tidy_V1_TaskRecurrence|null} recurrence - The recurrence pattern of the task, if any.
* @property {number|null} contact_id - The ID of the contact associated with the task, if any.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_TaskRecurrence
* @property {"daily"|"weekly"|"monthly"|"yearly"} type - The type of the recurrence
* @property {number} every - The interval of the recurrence.
* @property {string|null} end_date - The end date of the recurrence in ISO 8601 format, if any.
* @property {string[]} week_day_numbers - An array of week day numbers (as strings) that the recurrence falls on (indexed 0 from Monday to 6 on Sunday)
* @property {number|null} day_of_month - The day of the month the recurrence falls on.
* @property {number|null} month - The month the recurrence falls on.
/* ========== Ticket ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_Ticket
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the ticket.
* @property {string} name - The name of the ticket.
* @property {string} amount - The price of the ticket in decimal string format.
* @property {number|null} initial_quantity - The initial quantity of tickets available, null for unlimited.
* @property {number} quantity_sold - The number of tickets sold.
* @property {number|null} maximum_purchase - The maximum number of tickets one can purchase, null for unlimited.
* @property {string|null} sales_end - The end date and time of ticket sales in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {boolean} members_only - Whether the ticket is available to members only.
* @property {number|null} membership_level_id - The ID of the membership level required to purchase the ticket, if members_only is true.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the ticket.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_SoldTicket
* @property {number} contact_id - The ID of the contact who purchased the ticket.
* @property {string} ticket_id - The unique identifier for the ticket purchased.
* @property {string} created_at - The timestamp when the ticket was sold, in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {string} code - A unique code associated with the sold ticket.
/* ========== Shop ========== */
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_ShopProductVariant
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the variant.
* @property {string} name - The name of the variant.
* @property {number|null} quantity - The quantity available for the variant, null for unlimited.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the variant, in ISO 8601 format.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_ShopProduct
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the product.
* @property {string} name - The name of the product.
* @property {string} description - The HTML description of the product.
* @property {string} permalink - A unique permalink for the product.
* @property {string} sell_price - The selling price of the product.
* @property {string} cost_price - The cost price of the product.
* @property {number} sell_category_id - The ID of the selling category.
* @property {number} cost_category_id - The ID of the cost category.
* @property {number|null} quantity - The quantity available, null for unlimited.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the product.
* @property {"draft"|"published"} status - The status of the product
* @property {"admin"|"group"|"public"} visible_to - Who can see the product.
* @property {string[]} images - An array of URLs to images of the product.
* @property {Tidy_V1_ShopProductVariant[]} variants - An array of variants of the product.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_ShippingOption
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the shipping option.
* @property {string} name - The name of the shipping option.
* @property {string} description - The description of the shipping option, may include newline characters.
* @property {string} price - The price of the shipping option.
* @property {number} category_id - The ID of the category associated with the shipping option.
* @property {boolean} address_not_required - Indicates whether an address is not required for this shipping option.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the shipping option, in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {string[]} country_codes - An array of country codes where the shipping option is available.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_ShopOrderProduct
* @property {string} product_id - The unique identifier for the product.
* @property {string|null} variant_id - The unique identifier for the variant of the product, null if not applicable.
* @property {number} quantity - The quantity of the product ordered.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V1_ShopOrder
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the shipping order.
* @property {number} contact_id - The ID of the contact associated with the order.
* @property {string} number - The order number.
* @property {"awaiting_payment"|"pending"|"completed"|"cancelled"} status - The status of the order.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation timestamp of the order, in ISO 8601 format.
* @property {string} shipping_option_id - The unique identifier for the selected shipping option.
* @property {Tidy_V1_ShopOrderProduct[]} products - An array of products included in the order.
/* ========== Response ========== */
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_Data
* @property {string} message - The message.
* @property {Object} [errors] - Optional for error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_Response
* @property {TidyAPI_Data} data - The payload returned from the request or error information.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_EmptyResponse
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Contact
* @property {Tidy_V1_Contact|TidyAPI_Data} data - The contact.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Contacts
* @property {Tidy_V1_Contact[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The contacts.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Categories
* @property {Tidy_V1_Category[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The categories.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_CustomField
* @property {Tidy_V1_CustomField|TidyAPI_Data} data - The custom field.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_CustomFields
* @property {Tidy_V1_CustomField[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The custom fields.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_CustomFieldChoice
* @property {Tidy_V1_CustomFieldChoice|TidyAPI_Data} data - The custom field.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_CustomFieldChoices
* @property {Tidy_V1_CustomFieldChoice[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The custom fields.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Deposit
* @property {Tidy_V1_Deposit|TidyAPI_Data} data - The deposit.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Deposits
* @property {Tidy_V1_Deposit[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The deposits.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Email
* @property {Tidy_V1_Email|TidyAPI_Data} data - The email.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Emails
* @property {Tidy_V1_Email[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The emails.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Event
* @property {Tidy_V1_Event|TidyAPI_Data} data - The event.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Events
* @property {Tidy_V1_Event[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The events.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Expense
* @property {Tidy_V1_Expense|TidyAPI_Data} data - The expense.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Expenses
* @property {Tidy_V1_Expense[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The expenses.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Group
* @property {Tidy_V1_Group|TidyAPI_Data} data - The group.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Groups
* @property {Tidy_V1_Group[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The groups.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Invoice
* @property {Tidy_V1_Invoice|TidyAPI_Data} data - The invoice.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Invoices
* @property {Tidy_V1_Invoice[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The invoices.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Meeting
* @property {Tidy_V1_Meeting|TidyAPI_Data} data - The meeting.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Meetings
* @property {Tidy_V1_Meeting[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The meetings.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_MembershipLevel
* @property {Tidy_V1_MembershipLevel|TidyAPI_Data} data - The membership level.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_MembershipLevels
* @property {Tidy_V1_MembershipLevel[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The membership levels.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Membership
* @property {Tidy_V1_Membership|TidyAPI_Data} data - The membership.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Memberships
* @property {Tidy_V1_Membership[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The memberships.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Organization
* @property {Tidy_V1_Organization|TidyAPI_Data} data - The organization.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Organizations
* @property {Tidy_V1_Organization[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The organizations.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_OrganizationContacts
* @property {Tidy_V1_OrganizationPublicContact[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The organizations.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Payment
* @property {Tidy_V1_Payment|TidyAPI_Data} data - The organizations.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_PricingVariation
* @property {Tidy_V1_PricingVariation[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The membership level pricing variations.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Task
* @property {Tidy_V1_Task|TidyAPI_Data} data - The task.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Tasks
* @property {Tidy_V1_Task[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The tasks.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Ticket
* @property {Tidy_V1_Ticket|TidyAPI_Data} data - The ticket.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Tickets
* @property {Tidy_V1_Ticket[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The tickets.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_SoldTickets
* @property {Tidy_V1_SoldTicket[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The sold tickets.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Transaction
* @property {Tidy_V1_Transaction|TidyAPI_Data} data - The transaction.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_Transactions
* @property {Tidy_V1_Transaction[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The transactions.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_ShopProduct
* @property {Tidy_V1_ShopProduct|TidyAPI_Data} data - The shop product.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_ShopProducts
* @property {Tidy_V1_ShopProduct[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The shop products.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_ShippingOption
* @property {Tidy_V1_ShippingOption|TidyAPI_Data} data - The shipping option.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_ShippingOptions
* @property {Tidy_V1_ShippingOption[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The shipping options.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_ShopOrder
* @property {Tidy_V1_ShopOrder|TidyAPI_Data} data - The shop order.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V1_ShopOrders
* @property {Tidy_V1_ShopOrder[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The shop orders.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_Contact
* @property {Tidy_V2_Contact|TidyAPI_Data} data - The contact.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_Contacts
* @property {Tidy_V2_Contact[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The contacts.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_Membership
* @property {Tidy_V2_Membership|TidyAPI_Data} data - The membership.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_Memberships
* @property {Tidy_V2_Membership[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The memberships.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_Subscription
* @property {Tidy_V2_Subscription|TidyAPI_Data} data - The subscription.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_Subscriptions
* @property {Tidy_V2_Subscription[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The subscriptions.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} Tidy_V2_SubscriptionPostResponse
* @property {string} id - The unique identifier for the subscription.
* @property {string} state - The state of the subscription.
* @property {string} status - Human-readable version of the state.
* @property {string} created_at - The creation date and time of the subscription.
* @property {string} updated_at - The last update date and time of the subscription.
* @property {string} start_date - The start date of the subscription.
* @property {string} end_date - The end date of the subscription.
* @property {string} membership_id - The ID of the associated membership.
* @property {Tidy_V2_Variation[]} variations - The variations associated with the subscription.
* @property {string} payment_url - When valid, a URL (pre-authed) a user can use to pay for the membership.
* @property {string} invoice_id - When valid, the ID of the appropriate Invoice to be used with the invoices API.
* @property {Tidy_V2_Membership} membership - A preview of the membership.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_SubscriptionPost
* @property {Tidy_V2_SubscriptionPostResponse|TidyAPI_Data} data - The subscription and membership response.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_MembershipLevel
* @property {Tidy_V2_MembershipLevel|TidyAPI_Data} data - The membership level.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_MembershipLevels
* @property {Tidy_V2_MembershipLevel[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The membership levels.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_Note
* @property {Tidy_V2_Note|TidyAPI_Data} data - The note.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_Organization
* @property {Tidy_V2_Organization|TidyAPI_Data} data - The organization.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_OrganizationRoles
* @property {Tidy_V2_OrganizationRole[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The roles.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_Webhook
* @property {Tidy_V2_Webhook|TidyAPI_Data} data - The webhook.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.
* @typedef {Object} TidyAPI_V2_Webhooks
* @property {Tidy_V2_Webhook[]|TidyAPI_Data} data - The webhooks.
* @property {number} status - The HTTP status code of the response.
* @property {string} statusText - The status text (e.g., "OK", "Not Found") of the response.
* @property {boolean} success - Indicates whether the request was successful.
* @property {string} [message] - An optional error message, present only in error responses.